PPSU美国苏威 Radel R-7558 毒性低 耐洗涤剂 韧性良好
Radel® R-7558
Solvay Specialty Polymers
Radel® R-7558 polyphenylsulfone resin is a cost-effective solution for aircraft interior applications. This product complies with the FAA regulation 14CFR Part 25 Appendix F, offering vertical burn resistance, very low smoke generation and, through the use of proprietary additives, low heat release values by the Ohio State University (OSU) rate of heat release method. It also generates low flaming-mode toxic gas emissions.
Radel® R-7558 resin is light in color and is suggested for use in applications where coatings, paints, or other secondary surface decoration will protect the part from direct UV exposure. An alternate grade, Radel® R-7535, is available for darker applications with low UV exposure.
Available in several custom colors
PPSU美国苏威,Radel R-7558,耐洗涤剂PPSU, 韧性良好PPSU,PPSU